Frequently Asked Questions

No. In August of 2017, CEMEX announced the decision not to resume mining in Lake A.  CEMEX simply proposes to complete reclamation and transfer Lake A to the Zone 7 Water Agency.

CEMEX will transfer the portions of its property subject to the chain of lakes to Zone 7 Water District at no cost to Zone 7 after installing the necessary water conveyance facilities and completing landscape improvements. These water management areas, including Lake A and Lake B, will provide a much-needed water storage benefit and groundwater recharge capability for the neighboring communities, which takes on added importance in times of drought. Visit our public benefits section to learn more.

To the south of Lake B and the enhanced Arroyo Del Valle, CEMEX will develop new recreational bike and pedestrian trails along Vineyard Avenue. The remainder of the property, including the Lake J area, processing plant sites, and surrounding lands will be returned to open space and/or agriculture. Visit our public benefits section to learn more.

CEMEX proposes no change to any fundamental element of the existing operation (e.g., mining methods, processing operations, production levels, truck traffic, or hours of operation). 

A reclamation plan and a mining permit are NOT one and the same. A reclamation plan is required under State law to detail how a quarry will be restored to a stable condition that supports a beneficial future use of the property when mining ceases. It is not an operational permit or an extension of the quarry’s vested mining rights.

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