Reclamation Plan

Lake A Reclamation Plan

While the adopted reclamation plan expressly prohibits mining at Lake A, CEMEX is required by state law and county code to restore Lake A to a near-natural state.  Our reclamation plan, often referred to as a “restoration plan,” is designed so that neighbors enjoy the benefits of the lake and open space for generations to come.

The plan calls for new landscaping with California native species that will be visually attractive and provide habitat for wildlife, and a new water conveyance system for the Zone 7 Water Agency. This new source of water will be conveyed to the water agency at no expense to ratepayers, all of which takes on added importance in times of drought. All this requires intermittent construction over a two-year period and when completed, Lake A will be conveyed to Zone 7.  

When installing pipelines, berms and landscaping CEMEX will seek means to reduce intermittent construction impacts on neighbors, such as water trucks used to reduce dust and limit work to daytime hours. 

When CEMEX is prepared to begin construction, project descriptions and timelines will be posted on this page. Until then, neighbors are encouraged to sign up for project updates.

This page will be updated as the reclamation plan is implemented at Lake A.

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